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Wearable devices are now inextricably part of our lives.

2021-04-27 10:31

Team Cloudvision

Assisted Reality, #wearabledevice, #smartwatch, #ai, #artificialintelligence , #machinelearning , #wearableAI,

Wearable devices are now inextricably part of our lives.

When wearable devices lost their charm due to the low added value perceived by users, the integration between these devices and AI was born.


Despite the considerable enthusiasm with which they were welcomed in a first phase of introduction to the market, there was a time when wearable devices risked losing charm, mainly due to the low added value that users perceived in receiving mere call notifications. on their smartwatches.


That was the moment when the need for deeper integration between these AI devices and technologies clearly emerged.

On the other hand, it was difficult to understand how useful it could be to count one's steps daily, without having to support any kind of "intelligent automatism" able, for example, to compare today's data with that of the previous week, or to provide indicators significant on the improvements achieved.


Furthermore, for technology providers, the possibility of providing real added value was becoming increasingly complex, without the services offered involving analysis, processing and correlation of the data collected.


In recent years, many steps forward have been made in this direction, in various sectors.


Without prejudice to the application of machine learning to biological parameters collected by smartwatches and smartbands - par excellence the first and most striking example of the combination of artificial intelligence and wearable technologies - the most revolutionary use case of wearable AI has emerged in the segment AR / MR (smartglasses).


Augmented and mixed reality devices have undergone a drastic improvement from integration with AI technologies, in the industrial sector.


The data collected by the position sensors integrated with the viewers, for example, are processed to understand whether the movements performed by the worker during specific tasks are correct or may involve dangers for personal safety, or more generally denote excessive stress.


Even more pervasive in this area is the use of machine vision algorithms, capable of analyzing various aspects of the surrounding environment - from brightness to the type of surfaces - with the ultimate aim of providing the user with a seamless experience of visualization of virtual objects "fused" to the real context.


Other applications of this type, extremely widespread, are those that allow the user to recognize objects or machinery, regarding which he does not have particular skills, which are instead promptly provided on the head-up display of the viewer, once the image recognition.


In line with this trend, artificial technology is also increasingly used to allow devices to become real virtual assistants, able to support the worker in the most complex tasks.


Conveniently integrated with company databases, and triggered by a simple voice request, these assistants can retrieve data, correlate them and provide the employee with key KPIs, in real time.


Cloudvision has made its own the value offer promoted by the so-called wearable intelligence. Thanks to the Assistant and Intellimage features, the user is always able to have the knowledge of shared intelligence available in the cloud, which is scalable, resilient and constantly expanding.


The project "Augmentya Virtual Assistant Studio (AVAS): software module for the creation of advanced conversational agents for the Augmentya platform" is made possible thanks to European funds from the Emilia Romagna region.

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Coudvision S.r.l.
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